The Remarkable Trees of St Albans Revisited

Kate Bretherton

An update of Kate Bretherton’s book on St Albans’ trees

In 2010 Kate Bretherton published her very successful book on the wonderful trees of St Albans and its surrounding towns, villages and countryside.

In response to that success, the author has updated and reprinted the book. She has retained the content and format of the original book and its lovely photographs, and added new information in the form of notes to each chapter. There is now an extensive index and the revised book runs to 320 pages.

The chapters cover trees with historical connections, our favourite trees, parks and churchyards, tree management and how we can help to make sure that future generations have trees as remarkable as the ones we inherited.

Additional information

Publisher: Kate Bretherton, 2018

Price £14.95, or £12.00 direct from Kate.

ISBN: 978-0-9927994-6-5

Available from Waterstones and other book shops, and Kate Bretherton’s website.