Education by Election. Reed's School, Clapton and Watford

In 1813 Andrew Reed founded a charity for educating orphans which eventually became Reed’s School – now an independent school in Cobham, Surrey. This book is an account of the school between 1813 and 1940 when education was by election, not selection. The school was at Clapton from 1825 to 1871 and at Watford from 1871 to 1940.

Subscribers to the charity were awarded votes and widows had to lobby for these to gain admission to the school for their children. The system may seem flawed today but, by 1940, nearly 12,000 boys and girls had been educated and helped to find situations when they left.

Additional information

Author: Norman Alvey

SAHAAS, published 1990, Series SA 8

Format:  189x244mm, 54pp, 28 illustrations

Price: £4.95 (£6.55 by post UK),  members’ price: £4.00

ISBN 978-0-901194-11-4

Available from: SAHAAS by post or send email to