Lecture: Harold Macmillan: a reputation revisited

at Marlborough Road Methodist Church and on Zoom

Church and Zoom

Speaker: Dr Martin Holmes

Despite presenting himself as a kindly uncle, by plotting and intrigue Harold Macmillan became Prime Minister romping home with a 100-seat majority in the 1959 General Election.  He was a foreign policy innovator. He accelerated the process of decolonisation in South Africa, reassuring the world after the reputational damage of the Suez Crisis. By applying for British membership of the EEC in 1961 he transformed the Conservatives into the party for Europe for two decades.

Martin Holmes is a leading Oxford University academic specialising in European and British history.  Since 1989 he has been programme Director of the University of Nebraska annual summer school at Oxford lecturing in Post War Economic History. He is the author of seven books, the latest being From the Treaty of Versailles to the Treaty of Maastricht.

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