Lecture: The Bayeux Tapestry – new threads on old linen

at Dagnall Street Baptist Church and Zoom

Church and Zoom

Speaker: Dr John Morewood

Most of us are aware of the brilliant depictions from the 223ft embroidery known since 1729 as ‘The Bayeux Tapestry’. It is now generally accepted that it was produced in England, probably at workshops connected to St Augustine’s Abbey, Canterbury, and dates from the first decades after 1066. In this talk we look at some other fascinating aspects. How was it manufactured? Where are the embroidery errors? What restorations were made and how have these distorted our understanding of the story it portrays? We also consider where the embroidery may have been before its’ first recorded appearance in Bayeux in 1476 and how it was saved by, of all people, the German Commandant of Paris in 1944.

John Morewood is President of the St Albans & Hertfordshire Architectural & Archaeological Society.  He has run historical tours on Norman rule in both England and Normandy.

To register for this event, please use our Eventbrite page. There is no cost for members; non-members £5.00 per ticket.

Please note: this talk is being held at Dagnall Street Baptist Church, our new venue, rather than the previously advertised Marlborough Road Methodist Church. Do come along and tell us what you think of the facilities over refreshments following the talk.

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