The Remarkable Trees of St Albans revisited (product page)

The fascinating story of the wonderful trees of St Albans and its surrounding towns and villages: how the trees came to be there, and how we can help future generations to have trees as remarkable as the ones we inherited.

There are lovely photographs with chapters on trees with historical connections, our favourite trees, parks and churchyards, and tree management. This new edition contains an extra chapter with additional examples of remarkable trees in St Albans. It also has an extensive index.

Additional information

Author: Kate Bretherton

Format: Paperback, 328pp

ISBN 978-0-9927994-6-5

Publication date: 30 November 2018

Price: £14.95 or £12.00 direct from Kate. Free postage within the UK

Available from:
Waterstone's and other book shops,
Kate Bretherton's website. [ ] [update link]