Research enquiries

Questions about the history of St Albans and its environs

If you have an enquiry about the history of St Albans or Hertfordshire, or can help us with information, please send an email to Your email will be dealt with by the library team who can provide information on a range of local queries and may already have the answer! Be sure to leave your email address so we can get back to you.

If we can’t provide a direct answer to your question (which is often the case), we can sometimes suggest sources for research.

About you

In order that we can help you is important to know about the work you have already done.

  • Do you know St Albans well?
  • What sources have you already investigated?
  • Do you live here and have access to our libraries?
  • Do you have any connection with a property you are asking about?
  • Have you visited the Hertfordshire Libraries websites?
  • Have you considered the County Archives at HALS?

Genealogy research

We recommend the Family History research website run by HALS, as well as Genealogy in Hertfordshire which is run by Chris Reynolds.